Service privacy notices
Council service privacy notices that explain how we use, handle and store personal data are available on this page.
Communicating with us
- Code of conduct standards investigations - privacy notice
- Contact centre calls - privacy notice
- Complaints, compliments and MP enquiries - privacy notice
- Customer Contact and Customer Records Management - privacy notice
- FOI requests - privacy notice
Community and safety
- Body worn video cameras - privacy notice (PDF) [556KB] (opens new window)
- Castle leisure parking e-permit - privacy notice (PDF) [434KB] (opens new window)
- Community and wellbeing - privacy notice
- Community safety and enforcement - privacy notice (PDF) [458KB] (opens new window)
- Counter terrorism - privacy notice (PDF) [462KB] (opens new window)
- CCTV - privacy notice (PDF) [569KB] (opens new window)
- Environmental protection - privacy notice
- Event bookings - privacy notice
- Health and Safety - privacy notice
- Markets - privacy notice
- Parks and grounds maintenance - privacy notice
- Street cleansing - privacy notice
Council and corporate
- Business Rates - privacy notices
- Communications and media - privacy notices
- Contract management and contracts - privacy notice
- Council Tax privacy notice
- Democratic Services - privacy notice
- Elections and voting - privacy notice
- Emergency planning - privacy notice
- Job Applicant - privacy notice
- Legal services - privacy notice
- Purchases and use of contractors - privacy notice
Economic development
- Economic development and inward investment - privacy notice
- Grants4Growth - privacy notices
- Business Grants - privacy notice
- Custom and Self-Build register - privacy notice
- Decent Homes Assistance - privacy notice
- Disabled facilities grant - privacy notice
- Homelessness - privacy notice
- Houses in multiple occupation (HMO) - privacy notice
- Housing benefit and council tax support - privacy notice
- Housing options - privacy notice
- Housing Register - privacy notice
- Household garden waste - privacy notice
- Household waste collection - privacy notice
- Low Cost Home Ownership and Shared Equity Homes - privacy notice
- Social housing tenants of CORE data provider - privacy notice (PDF) [215KB] (opens new window)
- Tenancy and leasehold agreements - privacy notice
- Tenants / buyers of new social housing tenancies or sales - privacy notice (PDF) [167KB] (opens new window)
- Welland Homes - privacy notice