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Brownfield Land Register

The Government has introduced a requirement for all Local Authorities to prepare a Brownfield Land Register for their area. The Brownfield Land Register provides publicly available information on Brownfield (previously developed) land that is suitable for housing and can be viewed on this page.

The council has used its Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) (opens new window) and current planning permission information (opens new window) to help identify Brownfield sites in the district.

The register has been prepared in line with the requirements set out in the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 (opens new window). Only sites that meet the assessment criteria set out in these regulations are included on the register. Information on the register is correct up to the beginning of December 2020 and will be updated on an annual basis. The register consists of two parts:

  • Part 1 is a list of sites which could be considered suitable for housing
  • Part 2 is made up of sites taken forward from Part 1 of the register and given Permission in Principle (PIP).

Permission in Principle is a newly introduced consent and establishes the fundamental principles of development of a site in terms of its use and the approximate number of homes that the site can reasonably accommodate. It is similar in practice to an outline planning permission and further approval, in the form of 'technical details consent' is required in order for a site to be developed.

There are currently no sites included in Part 2 of the South Holland Brownfield Land Register. Further information can be found within national Planning Practice guidance on GOV.UK:

South Holland Brownfield Land Register

South Holland District Brownfield Land Register 2023 (CSV) [12KB]

The Council is required to review the register on an annual basis to ensure it is kept up to date. 

Brownfield Land submission of sites

If you would like to submit a site to be considered for inclusion on the Register, please complete the appropriate form:

The council intends to publish the updated Register in January each year. Forms should be submitted by 1 November for inclusion in that years Register update. Submissions received after this date will not be considered until the following year.