Consultation launched on South Holland Council Tax Support Scheme

Posted Thursday 16 November, 2023
The scheme is a way of helping people on low or no income to pay their annual council tax bill. The overall cost of the scheme is around £4.3million with South Holland District Council supporting around 2,400 working age households.
An online consultation has been launched as each year, the council must decide whether to change the scheme for applicants who are of working age.
The council is seeking views on whether the main characteristics of the current scheme should remain to provide continuity.
South Holland's scheme for working age applications protects those of pension age and working age who are in receipt of war pensions. It is means-tested and allows for vulnerability within how it is calculated, including people with children, disabilities or caring responsibilities.
The maximum support available to working age applicants is 75 per cent, meaning that all working age households have to pay at least 25 per cent towards their council tax.
The council tax collected by South Holland District Council goes towards services provided by the district council (and a share to Internal Drainage Boards), Lincolnshire County Council, Police and Crime Commissioner and Parish Councils.
Cllr Paul Redgate, Portfolio Holder for Finance at South Holland District Council, said: "The Council Tax Support Scheme is an opportunity for those of working age who are on a low or no income to get help to cover the majority of their council tax bill.
"We encourage all residents to share their views on the scheme to help us decide the support we provide in 2024/25, whether it should stay the same or be amended. Your views are important to us and I encourage you all to share your views now."
The consultation is live and the closing date for submissions is Friday 29 December, 2023.
You can share your views here: