The District of South Holland's Safety Advisory Group (SAG)
Safety Advisory Groups (SAG) came about as a result of the findings into the Hillsborough Stadium Disaster and are now recognised as a fundamental core planning forum for safety planning at public events.
South Holland's Safety Advisory Group (SAG) role is to provide specialist advice to the event organiser to aid them in complying with their public safety and wellbeing functions. It is the Groups main objective that all events held in the district uphold the highest standards of public safety and wellbeing of the public, operatives, participants etc. The group is partnered with Boston Borough Council for resilience purposes.
The role of the SAG is completely separate from the operational management of the event. It remains the event organiser and land owners responsibility for the health and safety of all those involved with the event inc. stewards, volunteers, stall holders, visitors and spectators.
Event planning and COVID-19
If you're planning an event that is intending to have physical attendees, please be mindful of the latest Government guidance (opens new window). There is also some very useful COVID-19 Event Safety information (opens new window) on the EventBrite website.
Event Notification Form
The preferred method of contact is by completing either of the Event Notification Form 2023 (Word doc) [41KB] Event Notification Form 2023 (PDF) [1MB] (please choose best format) .Once complete, please email it to or post it to:
South Holland District's Safety Advisory Group c/o The Food, Health and Safety Team
Public Protection
South Holland District Council
Priory Road
PE11 2XE
When completing the form please ensure you include as many details as possible, even if it is an 'idea', this allows the members to understand your proposal and provide any necessary advice and help, especially in relation to whether licences are required or road closures as these are time dependent.
Once the completed form has been received it will be forwarded to all members asking for any comments or questions, this process takes approximately two weeks, dependent on work patterns of the members. You will be contacted after this period with any feedback provided or questions asked. You will also be informed what the next stages for the Event is i.e. whether any further paperwork such as an Event Management Plan, risk assessments, or attendance at a meeting is requested.
Event management plan and risk assessments
Large and major events should be backed up by an Event Management Plan which covers all the safety and organisational aspects of the event. It should be produced in conjunction with your risk assessment - the risks you identify should inform your decisions about the way the event will be managed. As a rule of thumb the bigger the event and/or riskier the activities, the more detailed the plan should be.
The Event Management should cover and detail the following points as a minimum:
- About the Event - a summary about the event including date, time, location, what is occurring, set up and take down etc.
- Accessibility / Events that effect the highways - if you believe your event will impact any way on the public highway or if you would the surrounding roads to be kept clear of planned road works, please complete the register an event form with Lincolnshire County Council (opens new window)
- Amusements, attractions and displays - this can include, fireworks, lasers, sky lanterns and drones to name a few. It is strongly recommended that you look at the Civil Aviation Authority website (opens new window) to check if you need to contact them
- Catering Facilities (PDF) [839KB] (opens new window)
- Children and vulnerable people (Word doc) [22KB] (opens new window)
- Communications (Word doc) [15KB] (opens new window)
- Contractors
- Crowd Management:
- Guidance for Organised Cycling Events within Lincolnshire (PDF) [339KB]
- Emergencies - Some larger scale events will require full contingency plans but it is worth considering worse case scenarios in all cases, for example what to do if there is inclement weather and how that affects your event, stage or other temporary structure collapse, overcrowding, major accidents, plan for cancelling event if needed due to weather or poor take-up, effects on budget, see more about event incidents and emergencies on the HSE website (opens new window)
- Entry to the Event - how will you monitor attendee numbers etc. what actions you will take when capacity is reached, how do you assess the capacity of the event.
- Electrical Installations and Lighting (Word doc) [14KB] (opens new window)
- Emergency Planning (Word doc) [16KB] (opens new window)
- Fire Safety
- Information and Welfare - providing information and welfare services at an event contributes both to the safety and wellbeing of the audience and helps the organiser to identify and breakdown of services or facilities on site. You must ensure that the roles and responsibilities of information and welfare workers are established in advance, and brief stewards and emergency services of the nature and extent of information and welfare services provided. Locate information and welfare services in suitable accommodation, well sign-posted, easily accessible and properly lit.
- Licensing (PDF) [485KB] (opens new window)
- Medical cover and first aid - Event organisers should ensure that appropriate medical, ambulance and first-aid is available for all events, whatever their type and size, for further information please see the Medical Cover and First Aid guidance (Word doc) [13KB] (opens new window)
- Event organisers must carry out an assessment of first-aid needs to determine what to provide employees and although the Regulations do not place a duty on employers to provide first-aid for non-employees, it is strongly recommended that non-employees should be included in the assessment and appropriate provision is made for them.
- Noise Management Plan - see event noise management on HSE website (opens new window)
- Refuse and Waste - see event waste handling on HSE website (opens new window)
- Site Layout - see event venue and site design on HSE website (opens new window)
- Stewarding and Security (Word doc) [17KB] (opens new window)
- Temporary Structures - see temporary event structures on HSE website (opens new window)
- Terror Planning - see GOV.UK for ACT Awareness eLearning (opens new window) and view the LESP counter terrorism guidance (PDF) [255KB] (opens new window)
- Toilets
- Guidance on Organising Tractor Runs (PDF) [154KB]
- Traffic Management Plan - this needs to include vehicles on site deliveries, spectators vehicles, display vehicles, stall holders vehicles. We also recommend reviewing the event transport safety on HSE website (opens new window)
- Working at Height - see working at height advice on HSE website (opens new window)
To help you in producing an Event Management Plan The Lincolnshire Event Safety Partnership (LESP) team at Lincolnshire County Council has produced event management plan and risk assessment templates which can be found via the following link Lincolnshire Event Safety Partnership (LESP) website (opens new window).
SAG members
Core members of the group include:
- Chair/Co-ordinator
- Administrator
- SHDC Public Protection Service (Health and Safety, Environmental Protection and Licensing
- Lincolnshire Highways
- Lincolnshire Police
- Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue
- East Midlands Ambulance Service
- SHDC Emergency Planning Service
If you wish to discuss a specific topic it is recommended that you contact the member that direct via email.
The core members are committed to aid the Group in supporting event organisers to stage safe, sustainable and successful events. Sometimes it is necessary for the group to retain specialist advice to help the organiser, this may involve the following:
- NHS / Public Health Service
- SHDC Legal Service
- SHDC Building Control
- Voluntary First Aid Services
- The Land Owner where the event is taking place
- Representatives from SHDC Communities and Health and Safety Team when the event is on their land
Contact SAG
It is strongly recommended that organisers contact the group at the initial stages of the proposed event, this can save time and money for them in the long run by ensuring the correct advice is received, this may include what licences are required or if road closures are needed. Anyone may contact SAG for advice, particularly those who may be:
- new event organisers
- an event which causes concerns to any of the SAG members and who have statutory responsibilities
- any high profile event that takes place in the district
- event organisers who make requests to be seen by SAG.
The guiding principle for inviting events to the SAG for guidance is those events that present a significant risk to public safety, whether this is in terms of numbers of people attending or the nature of the event and / or a challenge of the environment. The Group may decide to invite certain events to attend a formal meeting.