Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) on dog controls consultation
South Holland District Council residents and businesses can now comment on the new proposed Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) on dog controls in the District in a new consultation, which was launched today (Tuesday 27 August 2024).
Between the 27 August and 8 October, residents can comment on the new Public Spaces Protection Order on dog controls. The PSPO, which is aligned with many others in Lincolnshire, is being proposed to ensure that public spaces within South Holland are cleaner, healthier and safer places to play, walk, work and visit.
The majority of dog owners act responsibly and pick up any fouling by their pet in a public space. Yet despite the continued effort of the council to raise awareness of the anti-social nature of dog fouling, the council continues to receive complaints regarding issues with dogs in public areas.
The three areas for dog controls proposed under the draft order are:
- A provision requiring the person in charge of a dog to clean up after it, if it defecates in a public space.
- A provision requiring the person in charge of a dog in a public space to have an appropriate means (i.e. a dog poo bag) to pick up any faeces deposited by that dog and to show they have a bag(s) if requested to do so by an authorised officer.
- The introduction of dog exclusion from enclosed children's play areas.