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£12M of Government cash for South Holland

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Major development for Spalding is a significant step closer after an announcement today that South Holland District Council (SHDC) has been successful in securing £12M of Government funding.

Working in conjunction with Lincolnshire County Council (LCC), SHDC officers prepared and submitted the bid for £12m to support the delivery of the northern Section of Spalding's Western Relief Road (SWWR).

The allocation is one of the largest nationally in terms of value and the biggest allocation in Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire and the East Midlands.

This investment will secure the delivery of significant highways infrastructure improvements, these including a roundabout on the B1356 Spalding/Pinchbeck Road and an overbridge spanning the mainline and providing access into housing land identified in the emerging Local Plan.

The £12M will allow rapid progress and certainty to unlock and deliver:

  • A key section of Spalding's planned relief road, the delivery of which will improve transport around the wider town Housing land to build an initial 600 homes and the planned delivery of a further 4,000 homes.

  • Housing growth to meet the needs of Spalding and the wider district.

  • A boost to the local economy by securing existing and creating future jobs.

The delivery of the northern section to Spalding's relief road, in tandem with delivering the approved southern section at Holland Park, will unlock the delivery of the central section.

SHDC Deputy Leader Councillor Nick Worth, portfolio holder for Growth and Commercialisation said: "This really is excellent news for the people of South Holland. It means we can now go forward and deliver significant and lasting housing and commercial growth for the district which has far reaching benefits.

"It worth emphasising that without the excellent working relationships between officers at SHDC, Greater Lincolnshire Enterprise Partnership and LCC this would not have been such a successful outcome".

Cllr Richard Davies, LCC Executive Member for Highways, said: "This is great news for the people of Spalding as it brings us one step closer to making the Spalding Western Relief Road a reality.

"A new route around the west side of the town will be essential to improving journey times and reducing delays and congestion in the town centre, particularly as the amount of passing rail freight increases over the coming years.

"The next step will be getting approval for planning ahead of moving forward with detailed design work for the road scheme, so we will continue working closely with our partners to continue taking this project forward." 

Additional background information can be found at: press release