South Holland rocks launched
Sharp-eyed youngsters can win a top prize by finding specially-painted rocks hidden in parks and play areas across South Holland over the school Christmas holidays.
'South Holland Rocks' is being organised by South Holland District Council as part of the authority's new 'think before you light up' campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of second hand smoke.
Councillor Antony Casson, South Holland District Council's Portfolio Holder for Public protection, said: "A total of 50 rocks have been painted, with five hidden in some parks across the district. Whoever finds the most by January 6 will win a £25 voucher from Argos.
"Once you find a rock, take a photo and upload it to the council's Facebook page, if you can then return the rock/rocks to our offices in Priory Road in Spalding with contact details, thus submitting your entry.
"I would like to wish everyone taking part the best of luck, happy rock hunting! We would also like to thank Birchgrove Garden Centre for donating the rocks."
Five rocks have been hidden in each of the following ten parks across South Holland:
Casswell Drive Play Area, Quadring
Railway Lane play area, Sutton Bridge
Thorney Road in Crowland
Maple Grove play area in Holbeach
Tongue End Playing Field, Everard Road,
Cherry Lane Play Area, Fleet Hargate
Poachers Gate Play Area, Pinchbeck
Cornfields Play Area, Holbeach
Ayscoughfee Gardens in Spalding
Monkshouse Park in Spalding
South Holland District Council's Facebook page can be found by logging on and searching for South Holland District Council.