New energy laws for landlords
Landlords in South Holland are being urged to be aware of new energy efficiency laws which are coming into effect next year.
From April 2018 private non-domestic (and domestic) landlords must ensure that properties they rent reach at least an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of E before granting a tenancy to new or existing tenants.
From this date it will become unlawful to arrange new lets and lease renewals for energy inefficient properties; from 1st April 2020 the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards will also apply to existing tenancies.
For most landlords this will mean that they will no longer be able to rent out a property with a rating of F or G after April 1st 2018, unless a formal exemption is registered.
As such, landlords with properties in this EPC bracket should begin preparing now for April 1st.
Cllr Christine Lawton, South Holland District Council's Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: "It is vitally important that landlords in the district are aware of these changes now because landlords who are found to be in breach of the regulations will face civil penalties of up to £4,000.
"Our officers are on-hand to offer support to any landlords who need assistance and can give advice and tips on how to improve a property's energy efficiency rating."
The responsibility for ensuring properties are compliant will fall to the landlord and Energy efficiency asset ratings of F and G will render properties unmarketable.
Commercial landlords in need of support concerning the regulations can contact South Holland District Council's Building Consultancy by calling 01775 764616 or by emailing